Sunday, June 13, 2010

Cup ot Tea... (Chai piyo mast jiyo)

I love tea. I just have to have a cup of tea first thing in the morning. Please don’t talk to me before I’ve had my cuppa, or at least got the water boiling so I know it’s on its way!

Tea can be enjoyed indoors or outside. It can be enjoyed alone or in the company of others. It can be drunk in the quite solitude of one’s room or in the midst of hustle and bustle of city life.
Now I’ve reasons so as why you all need to have tea. :)

1. Tea offers us an opportunity for quiet contemplation and shared moments of intimacy with friends, enabling us to reflect, be inspired and create.

2. If you need to take a break, relax, unwind, take time out from whatever's making you busy and stressed, have a cup of tea!

3. When you meet with friends, a cup of tea always sets a good atmosphere. If you're having an important meeting with colleagues, or people you don't get along with so well, serving tea is a great idea. And when times are tough, a nice cup of tea always helps, always comforts. :)


  1. awsome brother...written superbly.....each and every word had been garnished so beautifullly...
    from where you get such talent....
    its superb .......
    i enjoyed ur's this blog, solitary in the midst of hustle and bustle of the city

    rocking......tea is no more a drinking matter...talented people like you find it a matter of writing olso....

  2. Both - tea and your writing is fantastic :)

  3. tea with loads of milk is the ultimate :)

    nice layout...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hey,

    It's just a matter of preferences - I feel the same for coffee!

  6. I prefer tea as well. Last days I am completly crazy about fruit tea :-)
